Book Zaanse VerhalenZaanse verhalen. Berichten uit het rijke molenleven, by Ron Couwenhoven
A4 format, 124 pages, photos,  Dutch language

ISBN 978-94-90492-00-7

Published in 2011 by Stichting Archief Ron Couwenhoven, Zaandam.

Price: Euro 18,50.

Ron Couwenhoven publishes every year a volume dealing with the history of old mills in the Zaan region. As is generally known the Zaan region was once an industrial part of the world, containing numerous windmills for several industries. In this volume Couwenhoven focuses on several mills, especially on snuf and oil mills.

The book can be ordered from or by sending an email to Ron Couwenhoven at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Input: Ton Meesters